

A timeless sophistication. The Negroni is a classic cocktail that whispers of bold flavors and refined elegance. Envision the perfect balance of bitter Campari, aromatic gin, and sweet vermouth, creating a harmonious blend that is as iconic as it is enticing.


<rt-ingr>3 cl Gin<rt-ingr>

<rt-ingr>3 cl Campari<rt-ingr>

<rt-ingr>3 cl Sweet vermouth<rt-ingr>

Editor’s Note

The original Negroni recipe calls for equal parts. However, I like my negroni a little on the sweeter side, which is why I increase the proportion of sweet vermouth to 4 cl.

<rt-ingr>1 oz Gin<rt-ingr>

<rt-ingr>1 oz Campari<rt-ingr>

<rt-ingr>1 oz Sweet vermouth<rt-ingr>

Editor’s Note

The original Negroni recipe calls for equal parts. However, I like my negroni a little on the sweeter side, which is why I increase the proportion of sweet vermouth to 1,5 oz.


Step 1

Add gin, campari and sweet vermouth in a mixing glass filled with ice.

Step 2

Stirr until thoroughly chilled.

Step 3

Strain into a tumbler glass.

Step 4

Step 5

What are foamers?

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Glass & Garnish

Serve in an ice-cold tumbler glass with a large ice cube. Garnish with an orange or grapefruit zest. Enjoy responsibly.
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